Housing and Support for Women

Phoenixville Women's Outreach


Phoenixville Women’s Outreach Dedicates Its Hall of Women 2022

Phoenixville Women’s Outreach held a dedication on Monday, February 28th for their The Hall of Women. In attendance was Melissa Shusterman, PA State Representatives 157th Legislative District; Marian Moskowitz, Chair of the Chester County Commissioners; and Beth Burckey, Phoenixville Borough Council Vice-President.


Pictured: (L to R) Marian Moskowitz, Chair of the Chester County Commissioners; Donna W, PWO participant; Melissa Shusterman, PA State Representatives 157th Legislative District; Andrea Blue, PWO Executive Director

This year, 2022, is the Inaugural year for the program that names the bedrooms in the transitional housing home after notable women from history. PWO seeks to provide images and stories of women to empower their clients during their time at The House. In January, the community was asked to submit nominations of women throughout history who have exemplified strength, perseverance, and courage with the goal of naming The House’s bedrooms. This year finds rooms named for Maya Angelou, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dolores Huerta and Harriet Tubman.

Phoenixville Women’s Outreach Hall of Women honors women of strength, perseverance and courage who although faced adversity, took the necessary steps to thrive. The Hall of Women is set as inspiration and motivation for each woman at “The House” who is challenged to commit to herself, her well being and her future. 

As there are multiples of women who embody these traits, the campaign will reset each January to honor 4 different women who will then serve as torchbearers in PWO’s Hall of Women for the year.

R to L: Melissa Bravo, Housing Director; Beth Burckley, Phoenixville Borough Council Vice-president; Mike Bryson, Board President