Beth came to us leaving a bad situation of harassment and danger. The money that she worked hard to save was being depleted on hotel stays. Beth had a long history of neglect and trauma and was looking for a safe place where she could focus on herself. Beth’s career goal is to become an RN. While she was at The House, Beth continued seeing a mental health counselor. She continued to practice healthy coping skills and found time to spend on journaling, poetry, and exercise. Beth got back into her education and enrolled in several courses for her medical certifications. She also committed to a full-time job in social services where she enjoyed working with the agency’s clients. While in our program, Beth was able to have a surgery that corrected a long term painful injury. Beth’s positive attitude was contagious at the house. She reminded us all to raise ourselves and each other up. Beth found a full-time job serving people that came with housing and was able to move on to her next home. She continues to accomplish her educational goals on her way to becoming a full-time nurse.