Nominations being accepted for our Hall of Women.
PWO is seeking nominations for this year’s Hall of Women. Each of our 4 bedrooms will be named after a Notable Woman who has made history that will act as a torch-bearer for our participants who call The House home.
We are looking for nominations of historical women (living or passed) who exemplify strength, courage and perseverance.
Who do you find inspiration from and why her?
Nominations are being accepted until Monday, Jan 31st.
Click HERE to make a nomination. There is no limit on the number of nominations you can make!

You can also email your nomination (include name of nominee and why you nominate her. Please let us know if you would like to be named in the post or remain anonymous.) to
We will be sharing nominations on our social media pages. Decisions will be announced Tuesday, Feb 1st.
If you have any questions, reach out to us at